As you learned in Tip 15, "Understanding Constraints," a constraint is a database object that restricts the data a user or application program can enter into the columns of a table. An assertion is a database object that uses a check constraint to limit data values you can enter into the database as a whole.
Both assertions and constraints are specified as check conditions that the DBMS can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. However, while a constraint uses a check condition that acts on a single table to limit the values assigned to columns in that table; the check condition in an assertion involves multiple tables and the data relationships among them. Because an assertion applies to the database as a whole, you use the CREATE ASSERTION statement to create an assertion as part of the database definition. (Conversely, since a constraint applies to only a single table, you apply [define] the constraint when you create the table.)
For example, if you want to prevent investors from withdrawing more than a certain amount of money from your hedge fund, you could create an assertion using the following SQL statement:
CREATE ASSERTION maximum_withdrawal
CHECK (investor.withdrawal_limit>
SELECT SUM(withdrawals.amount)
FROM withdrawals
WHERE withdrawals.investor_id = investor.ID)
Thus, the syntax used to create an assertion is:
Once you add the MAXIMUM_WITHDRAWAL ASSERTION to the database definition, the DBMS will check to make sure that the assertion remains TRUE each time you execute an SQL statement that modifies either the INVESTOR or WITHDRAWALS tables. As such, each time the user or application program attempts to execute an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement on one of the tables in the assertion's CHECK clause, the DBMS checks the check condition against the database, including the proposed modification. If the check condition remains TRUE, the DBMS carries out the modification. If the modification makes the check condition FALSE, the DBMS does not perform the modification and returns an error code indicating that the statement was unsuccessful due to an assertion violation.