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Friday, February 26, 2010

Understanding Assertions

As you learned in Tip 15, "Understanding Constraints," a constraint is a database object that restricts the data a user or application program can enter into the columns of a table. An assertion is a database object that uses a check constraint to limit data values you can enter into the database as a whole.

Both assertions and constraints are specified as check conditions that the DBMS can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. However, while a constraint uses a check condition that acts on a single table to limit the values assigned to columns in that table; the check condition in an assertion involves multiple tables and the data relationships among them. Because an assertion applies to the database as a whole, you use the CREATE ASSERTION statement to create an assertion as part of the database definition. (Conversely, since a constraint applies to only a single table, you apply [define] the constraint when you create the table.)

For example, if you want to prevent investors from withdrawing more than a certain amount of money from your hedge fund, you could create an assertion using the following SQL statement:

CREATE ASSERTION maximum_withdrawal
CHECK (investor.withdrawal_limit>
SELECT SUM(withdrawals.amount)
FROM withdrawals
WHERE withdrawals.investor_id = investor.ID)

Thus, the syntax used to create an assertion is:


Once you add the MAXIMUM_WITHDRAWAL ASSERTION to the database definition, the DBMS will check to make sure that the assertion remains TRUE each time you execute an SQL statement that modifies either the INVESTOR or WITHDRAWALS tables. As such, each time the user or application program attempts to execute an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement on one of the tables in the assertion's CHECK clause, the DBMS checks the check condition against the database, including the proposed modification. If the check condition remains TRUE, the DBMS carries out the modification. If the modification makes the check condition FALSE, the DBMS does not perform the modification and returns an error code indicating that the statement was unsuccessful due to an assertion violation.

Understanding the MS-SQL Server IDENTITY Property

You can apply the IDENTITY property to one (and only one) of the columns in a table to have MS-SQL Server supply an incrementing, non-NULL value for the column whenever a row is added that does not specify the column's value. Suppose, for example, that you wanted to create an EMPLOYEE table that included an EMPLOYEE_ID column, but you did not want to supply the EMPLOYEE_ID each time you added a new employee to the table. You can have MS-SQL Server supply the "next" EMPLOYEE_ID each time a row is added by creating the EMPLOYEE table using an SQL statement similar to the following:

 CREATE TABLE employee
name VARCHAR(35),

The format of the IDENTITY property is:

 IDENTITY (initial_value, increment)

If you omit the initial_value and increment, MS-SQL Server will set both the initial_value and the increment to 1.

The CREATE TABLE statement in the current example tells MS-SQL Server to assign a 10 to the ID column of the first row added to the EMPLOYEE table. Then, when you add subsequent rows to the table, MS-SQL Server will add 10 to the ID value in the last row of the table and assign that value to the ID column of the new row to be added. Thus, executing the SQL statements

INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES ('Sally Smith', NULL)
INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES ('Wally Wells', 5)
INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES ('Greg Jones', 7)
SELECT * FROM employee

MS-SQL Server will insert the three employee rows into the display and display them similar to the following:

id  name            quota
10 Sally Smith NULL
20 Wally Wells 5
30 Greg Jones 7

You can apply the IDENTITY property only to columns of type INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, DECIMAL, or NUMERIC—and only if the column does not permit NULL values.


Specifying the IDENTITY property for a column does not guarantee that each row will have a unique value in that column. Suppose, for example, that you executed the SQL statements on the table in the current example:

INSERT INTO employee (id, name, quota)
VALUES(20, 'Bruce Williams', NULL)
INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES('Paul Harvey', 9)
SELECT * FROM employee

MS-SQL Server will display table rows similar to the following:

id  name            quota
10 Sally Smith (null)
20 Wally Wells 5
30 Greg Jones 7
20 Bruce Williams (null)
40 Paul Harvey 9

Because the first INSERT statement specifies the value for the ID column, the DBMS puts a 20 in the ID column of the Bruce Williams row. The second INSERT statement does not include a value for the ID column. As a result, the DBMS adds 10 (the increment) to the highest ID (30) and uses the result (40) as the ID for the new Paul Harvey row.

If you want to guarantee that the IDENTITY column contains a unique value in each row of the table, you must create a unique index based on the IDENTITY column, which you will learn how to do in Tip 161, "Using the CREATE INDEX Statement to Create an Index."

Understanding the MS-SQL Server IDENTITY Property

You can apply the IDENTITY property to one (and only one) of the columns in a table to have MS-SQL Server supply an incrementing, non-NULL value for the column whenever a row is added that does not specify the column's value. Suppose, for example, that you wanted to create an EMPLOYEE table that included an EMPLOYEE_ID column, but you did not want to supply the EMPLOYEE_ID each time you added a new employee to the table. You can have MS-SQL Server supply the "next" EMPLOYEE_ID each time a row is added by creating the EMPLOYEE table using an SQL statement similar to the following:

 CREATE TABLE employee
name VARCHAR(35),

The format of the IDENTITY property is:

 IDENTITY (initial_value, increment)

If you omit the initial_value and increment, MS-SQL Server will set both the initial_value and the increment to 1.

The CREATE TABLE statement in the current example tells MS-SQL Server to assign a 10 to the ID column of the first row added to the EMPLOYEE table. Then, when you add subsequent rows to the table, MS-SQL Server will add 10 to the ID value in the last row of the table and assign that value to the ID column of the new row to be added. Thus, executing the SQL statements

INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES ('Sally Smith', NULL)
INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES ('Wally Wells', 5)
INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES ('Greg Jones', 7)
SELECT * FROM employee

MS-SQL Server will insert the three employee rows into the display and display them similar to the following:

id  name            quota
10 Sally Smith NULL
20 Wally Wells 5
30 Greg Jones 7

You can apply the IDENTITY property only to columns of type INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, DECIMAL, or NUMERIC—and only if the column does not permit NULL values.


Specifying the IDENTITY property for a column does not guarantee that each row will have a unique value in that column. Suppose, for example, that you executed the SQL statements on the table in the current example:

INSERT INTO employee (id, name, quota)
VALUES(20, 'Bruce Williams', NULL)
INSERT INTO employee (name, quota)
VALUES('Paul Harvey', 9)
SELECT * FROM employee

MS-SQL Server will display table rows similar to the following:

id  name            quota
10 Sally Smith (null)
20 Wally Wells 5
30 Greg Jones 7
20 Bruce Williams (null)
40 Paul Harvey 9

Because the first INSERT statement specifies the value for the ID column, the DBMS puts a 20 in the ID column of the Bruce Williams row. The second INSERT statement does not include a value for the ID column. As a result, the DBMS adds 10 (the increment) to the highest ID (30) and uses the result (40) as the ID for the new Paul Harvey row.

If you want to guarantee that the IDENTITY column contains a unique value in each row of the table, you must create a unique index based on the IDENTITY column, which you will learn how to do in Tip 161, "Using the CREATE INDEX Statement to Create an Index."

Understanding the MS-SQL Server ISNULL() Function

You can use the MS-SQL Server ISNULL() built-in function to return a value other than NULL for columns that are NULL. Suppose, for example, that your EMPLOYEE table has data in columns as shown in Figure 31.1.







Sally Smith




Wally Wells




Greg Jones




Bruce Williams




Paul Harvey



Figure 31.1: EMPLOYEE table with sample data and NULL values

If you execute the SQL SELECT statement

 SELECT id, name, date_hired, quota FROM employee

MS-SQL Server will display output similar to the following:

 id  name            date_hired         quota
1 Sally Smith 04/27/00 00:00:00 NULL
2 Wally Wells 04/13/99 00:00:00 5
3 Greg Jones 05/12/97 00:00:00 7
4 Bruce Williams 04/15/00 00:00:00 NULL
5 Paul Harvey 06/05/99 00:00:00 9

If you don't want to explain what a NULL is to your users, you can use the built-in ISNULL() to replace "(null)" in the output with another text string or number.

The syntax of the ISNULL() function is:


Substitute the name of the column that contains NULLs for expression and the character string or number you want displayed in place of "(null)" for value. Therefore, if you want MS-SQL Server to replace "(null)" in the QUOTA column with "In Training," use the SQL statement

id, name, date_hired, 'quota'=ISNULL(quota,'In Training')

to have MS-SQL Server output the following for our example data:

 id  name            date_hired         quota
1 Sally Smith 04/27/00 00:00:00 In Training
2 Wally Wells 04/13/99 00:00:00 5
3 Greg Jones 05/12/97 00:00:00 7
4 Bruce Williams 04/15/00 00:00:00 In Training
5 Paul Harvey 06/05/99 00:00:00 9

You can also use the MS-SQL Server ISNULL() function to select either rows where a column is NULL or rows where a column is not NULL. For example, if you want to see the rows in the EMPLOYEE table where the quota is null, you could use an SQL SELECT statement similar to:

 SELECT id, name, date_hired, ISNULL(quota,'In Training')
FROM employee
WHERE ISNULL(quota,-999) = -999

If, on the other hand, you want to see only those reps who have a defined quota, replace the = in the WHERE clause with <>, similar to the following:

SELECT id, name, date_hired, quota
FROM employee
WHERE ISNULL(quota,-999) <> -999

Understanding the Value of NULL

When a DBMS finds a NULL value in a column, it interprets it as undefined or unavailable. The SQL-92 standard specifies that a DBMS cannot assign or assume an explicit or implicit value to a NULL column.

A NULL is not the same as a space (in a character column), a zero (in a numeric column), or a NULL ASCII character (which is all zeroes) (in a character column). In fact, if you execute the SQL statement

 SELECT * FROM customer WHERE education = NULL

the DBMS will not display any rows, even if the education column in some of the rows in the CUSTOMER table has a NULL value. According to the SQL standard, the DBMS cannot make any assumption about a NULL value in a column-it cannot even assume that a NULL value equals NULL!

There are several reasons that a column may be NULL, including:

  • Its value is not yet known. If your STUDENT table includes a RANK_IN_CLASS column, you would set its value to NULL on the first day of school.

  • Its value does not yet exist. If your MARKETING_REP table includes an APPOINTMENT_QUOTA, the column's value would be NULL until set by the marketing room manager after the marketing rep completes his or her training.

  • The column is not applicable to the table row. If your EMPLOYEE table includes a MANAGER-ID column, you would set the column to NULL for the company owner's row.

Be selective about the columns in which you allow the DBMS to store NULL values. A PRIMARY KEY column (which you will learn about in Tip 172, "Using the PRIMARY KEY Column Constraint to Uniquely Identify Rows in a Table"), cannot have a NULL in any of its rows. After all, a PRIMARY KEY column must be unique in each and every row. Since the DBMS cannot make any assumptions about the value of a NULL, it cannot say with certainty that the NULL value in one row would be the same as the value in another row once the column's value is no longer unknown (or becomes defined).

Also, if you plan to use a column in functions such as MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, and so on, be sure to apply the NOT NULL constraint (which you will learn about in Tip 191, "Using the NOT NULL Column Constraint to Prevent NULL Values in a Column") to the column. If you use one of the aggregate functions on a column that has a NULL in a row, the result of the function will be indeterminate (that is, NULL). After all, the DBMS cannot compute the SUM of the values in a column if there are one or more rows in the table whose column value is unknown.

In summary, think of NULL as an indicator rather than a value. When the DBMS finds a NULL in a column of a row in a table, the DBMS "knows" that data is missing or not applicable.

Understanding Constants

SQL does not have a CONSTANT data type, like that found in programming languages such as Pascal, Visual Basic, and C++. However, you do not have to put data values into columns in order to use those values in SQL statements. Valid SQL statements can and often do include literal string, numeric, and date and time constants, and symbolic constants (also referred to as system maintained constants).

Numeric Constants (Exact and Approximate Numeric Literals)

Numeric constants include integers, decimals, and floating-point numbers. When using integer and decimal constants (also called exact numeric literals) in SQL statements, enter them as decimal numbers. Write negative numbers using a leading (vs. trailing) minus sign (dash), and you can precede positive numbers with an optional plus sign. Whether writing positive or negative constants, omit all commas between digits.

Examples of well-formed SQL exact numeric literals are: 58, -47, 327.29, +47.89, -785.256.

In addition to integers and decimals, SQL lets you enter floating-point constants (also called approximate numeric literals). Use E (or scientific) notation when using floating-point numbers in an SQL statement. Floating-point numbers look like a decimal number (called the mantissa), flowed by an E and then a positive or negative integer (the exponent) that represents the power of 10 by which to multiply the number to the left of the E (the mantissa).

Examples of well-formed SQL approximate numeric literals are: 2.589E5, -3.523E2, 7.89E1, +6.458E2, 7.589E-2, +7.589E-6, which represent the numbers 258900, -352.3, 78.9, +645.8, 0.07589E-2, and +0.000007589, respectively.

String Constants (Literals)

The SQL-92 standard specifies that you enclose SQL character constants in single quotes.

Well-formed string constants include: 'Konrad King,' 'Sally Fields,' 'Nobody doesn"t like Sarah Lee.'

Notice that you can include a single quote within a string constant, (the word doesn't, in the current example) by following the single quote that you want to include with another single quote. Thus, to include the contraction doesn't in the string constant, you write "doesn"t."

Some DBMS products (such as MS-SQL Server) allow you to enclose string constants within double quotes. Valid string constants for such DBMS products include: "Konrad King," "Sally Fields," "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee." Notice that if you enclose a string constant in double quotes, you do not have to use two single quotes to form the contraction doesn't.

Date and Time Constants

Using date and time constants in an SQL statement is a bit more involved than including numeric and string literals. Every DBMS supports the use of characters and number strings. However, as you learned in Tip 27, "Understanding Standard SQL Datetime Data Types and the DATETIME Data Type," not all DBMS products support all five of the SQL standard datetime data types-in fact, MS-SQL Server does not support any of them, opting instead to support its own DATETIME data type. As such, before you can use a date or time constant in an SQL statement, you must first know the proper format for entering dates and times on your DBMS. So, check your system manual.

Once you know the correct date and time format for your DBMS product, you can use date and time constants by enclosing valid date and time values within single quotes.

For MS-SQL Server, valid date and time constants include: '27 Apr 2000,' '4-27-2000,' '4.27.2000,' '2000 Apr 27,' '2000.4.27,' '5:15:00 pm,' '17:23:45,' '4-27-2000 5:15:23.'

Symbolic Constants (System-Maintained Constants)

The SQL-89 standard specified only a single symbolic constant: USER. SQL-92 includes USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. Unfortunately, many DBMS products support only some or none of the symbolic constants to varying degrees. MS-SQL Server, for example, supports USER, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, and APP_NAME-but only when used as part of a DEFAULT constraint in a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement. Thus, the SQL statement

 SELECT customer_name, balance_due, date_due
FROM customer_ar

may be perfectly acceptable in your DBMS product but unacceptable to MS-SQL Server.


MS-SQL Server gives you access to system-maintained constants through built-in functions instead of through symbolic constants. As such, MS-SQL Server would return the customers with past due balances as requested by the example query if you wrote the SQL statement as:

SELECT customer_name, balance_due, date_due
FROM customer_ar
WHERE date_due < GETDATE()

Before using symbolic constants, check your system manual to determine which of the symbolic (or system-maintained) constants your DBMS supports. Also check your manual to see if your DBMS has built-in functions that return the values of system-maintained constants not included in the list of symbolic constants.

Understanding the SQL BIT Data Type

When you are working with data that can take on only one of two values, use the BIT data type. For example, you can use BIT fields to store the answers to yes/no or true/false survey questions such as: these "Are you a homeowner?" "Are you married?" "Did you complete high school?" "Do you love SQL?"

You can store answers to yes/no and true/false questions in CHARACTER columns using the letters Y, N, T, and F. However, if you use a column of type CHARACTER, each data value will take 1 byte (8 bits) of storage space. If you use a BIT column instead, you can store the same amount of data using 1/8 the space.

Suppose, for example, that you create a CUSTOMER table using the SQL statement:

 CREATE TABLE customer
name VARCHAR(25),
high_school_graduate BIT,
some_college BIT,
graduate_school BIT,
post_graduate_work BIT,
male BIT,
married BIT,
homeowner BIT,
US_citizen BIT)

If you follow normal conventions, a 1 in a BIT column would represent TRUE, and a 0 would represent FALSE. Thus, if the value of the MARRIED column were 1, that would mean that the CUSTOMER is married. Similarly, if the value in the US_CITIZEN column were 0, that would mean that the CUSTOMER is not a U.S. citizen.

Using the BIT data type instead of a CHARACTER data type for the eight two-state (BIT) columns in the current example not only saves 56 bytes of storage space per row, but it also simplifies queries based on the two-state column values.

Suppose, for example, that you wanted a list of all male customers. If the MALE column were of type CHARACTER, you would have to know whether the column would contain a T, t, Y, y, or some other value to indicate that the CUSTOMER is a male. When the column is a BIT column, you know that the value in the male column can only be a 1 or a 0-and will most likely be a 1 if the CUSTOMER is a male, since a 1 would, by convention, indicate TRUE.

You can use a BIT column to select rows that meet a specific condition by checking the value of the column in the WHERE clause of your SQL statement. For example, you could make a list of all customers that are high school graduates using the SQL SELECT statement:

 SELECT id, name
FROM customer
WHERE high_school_graduate = 1

Selecting rows that meet any one of several criteria is also easy. Suppose, for example, that you want a list of all customers that are either married or homeowners. You could use the SQL SELECT statement:

 SELECT id, name
FROM customer
WHERE married = 1 OR homeowner = 1

If, on the other hand you want to select only married homeowners, you would use an AND in place of the OR in the WHERE clause.

Understanding Standard SQL Datetime Data Types and the DATETIME Data Type

Although you can store dates and times in columns of type CHAR or VARCHAR, you will find it more convenient to use datetime columns instead. If you put dates and times into date-time columns, the DBMS will format the dates and times in a standard way when you display the contents of the columns as part of SELECT statements. More importantly, by using datetime columns, you will be able to use specialized date and time functions (such as INTERVAL and EXTRACT) to manipulate date and time data.

The SQL-92 standard specifies five datetime data types:

  • DATE. Uses 10 characters to store the four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day values of the date in the format 2000-04-25. Because the DATE data type uses a four-digit year, you can use it to represent any date from the year 0001 through the year 9999. Thus, SQL will have a year 10K problem, but I, for one, will let future generations worry about it.

  • TIME. Uses eight characters, including the colons, to represent the two-digit hours, two-digits minutes, and two-digit seconds in the format 19:22:34. Because the SQL formats time using the 24-hour clock, 19:22:34 represent 22 minutes and 34 seconds past 7 P.M., whereas 07:22:34 represents 22 minutes and 34 seconds past 7 A.M. If you define a column as type TIME, the default is for the DBMS to display only whole seconds. However, you can tell the DBMS to store (and display) fractions of seconds by adding the precision you want to the TIME data type when using it to define a column of type TIME. For example, if you create a table with the SQL statement

    CREATE TABLE time_table
    (time_with_seconds TIME(3))

    the DBMS will store time data including up to three digits representing thousandths of seconds.

  • TIMESTAMP. Includes both date and time using 26 characters-10 characters to hold the date, followed by a space for separation, and then 15 characters to represent the time, including a default of fractions of seconds to six decimal places. Thus, if you create a table using

    CREATE TABLE time_table
    (timestamp_column TIMESTAMP,
    timestamp_column_no_decimal TIMESTAMP (0))

    the DBMS will store the date and time in TIMESTAMP_COLUMN formatted as 2000-04-25 19:22:34.123456, and the date and time in TIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NO_DECIMAL formatted as 2000-04-25 19:25:34. (The number in parenthesis ( () ) after TIMESTAMP specifies the precision of the fractions of seconds portion of the time-0, in the example.)

  • TIME WITH TIME ZONE. Uses 14 characters to represent the time and the offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)-eight characters to hold the time followed by the offset of the local time from (UTC)-formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. Therefore, if you create a table using

    CREATE TABLE time_table
    (time_with_gmt TIME WITH TIME ZONE,
    time_with_seconds_gmt TIME (4) WITH TIME ZONE)

    the DBMS will store the time in TIME_WITH_GMT formatted as 19:22:24-05:00, and in TIME_WITH_SECONDS_GMT formatted as 19:22:24.1234-05:00. (The (4) in the data type for the TIME_WITH_SECONDS_GMT column in the example represents the optional precision you can specify to represent the fractions of seconds in the time.)

  • TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE. Uses 32 characters to represent the date, the time, and the offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)-10 characters to hold the date, followed by a space for separation, and then 21 characters to represent the time, including a default of fractions of seconds given to six decimal places and the office from UTC (GMT). Thus, if you create a table using

    CREATE TABLE time_table
    (timestamp_column TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
    timestamp_no_dec TIMESTAMP(0)WITH TIME ZONE)

    the DBMS stores the date and time in TIMESTAMP_COLUMN formatted as 2000-04-25 19:22:34.123456+04:00 and in TIMESTAMP_NO_DEC using the format 2000-04-25 19:25:34+01:00 (The number in parenthesis ( () ) after TIMESTAMP specifies the precision of the fractions of seconds portion of the time-0, in the example.)

Unfortunately, not all DBMS products support all five of the standard SQL datetime data types. In fact, some DBMS products even use TIMESTAMP for purposes other than defining columns that hold date and time data. As such, check your system manual to see which of the SQL datetime data types your DBMS supports.

Don't be surprised to find that your system uses a nonstandard data type such as DATETIME (used by SQLBase, Sybase, and MS-SQL Server) to format columns that will hold dates and times.

If your system uses the DATETIME data type, you can define a column to hold date and time using an SQL statement similar to:

CREATE TABLE date_table
(date_time DATETIME)

To insert a date and time into a DATETIME column, enclose the date and time in single quotes using an INSERT statement similar to:

INSERT INTO date_table
VALUES ('04/25/2000 21:05:06:123')

If you are using MS-SQL Server and execute the SQL statement

SELECT * FROM date_table

the DBMS will display the value in the DATE_TIME column as: 2000-04-25 21:05:06.123.

MS-SQL Server lets you specify the date in the INSERT statement using any one of a variety of formats, including but not limited to:

  • Apr 25 2000

  • APR 25 2000

  • April 25, 2000

  • 25 April 2000

  • 2000 April 25

  • 4/25/00

  • 4-25-2000

  • 4.25.2000

MS-SQL Server also gives you a number of ways to express the time you want to insert into a DATETIME column. Valid ways to express time include:

  • 9:05:06:123pm

  • 9:5:6:123pm

  • 9:05pm

  • 21:00

  • 9pm

  • 9PM

  • 9:05

(Note that the last entry in this example ["9:05"] will insert 9:05am and not 9:05pm.) If you insert a date without a time, MS-SQL Server will append 00:00:00:000 to your date. Thus, the SQL statement

 INSERT INTO date_table VALUES ("2000 Apr 25")

will set the value of DATE_TIME to 2000-04-10 00:00:00.000. (MS-SQL Server will replace the portion of the time you leave off with zeroes.)

If you insert only a time into a DATETIME column, MS-SQL Server will replace the omitted date with 01/01/1900.

Understanding the MS-SQL Server IMAGE Data Type

The MS-SQL Server IMAGE data type is similar to the TEXT data type in that it you can store 2,147,483,647 bytes of data in a column declared as data type IMAGE. You would use an image type, for example, if you wanted to create a table of graphics images such as:

CREATE TABLE graphic_images
description VARCHAR(250),
picture IMAGE)

Typically, you won't use an INSERT statement to enter binary data into an IMAGE column. Instead, you will use an application program that passes the binary (picture) data to the DBMS for storage in the table.

Similarly, an IMAGE column is not meant for direct output using a SELECT statement, although such a SELECT statement is not prohibited. Instead, you would have the DBMS pass the image data to a graphics program (like WinJPeg) or to a Web browser for display.

If you do display an IMAGE column using the SELECT statement, you will find that the SELECT statement does not translate the values in the IMAGE column to ASCII. For example, suppose that you use the INSERT statement

 INSERT INTO graphic_images
VALUES (123,'Picture 123','Picture'123')

to place data into a row in the GRAPHICS_IMAGES table created as the example at the beginning of this tip. If you use the SELECT statement

 SELECT * FROM graphic_images

MS-SQL Server would display:

id        description    picture
123 Picturel23 0x50696374757265313233

By not translating the hexadecimal representation of data in the IMAGE column to ASCII when SELECTED, the DBMS makes it easy to pass the actual "raw" picture file to a graphics program in answer to a query sent to the DBMS by an application program.

Understanding the LONG (Oracle) or TEXT (MS-SQL Server) Data Type

If you need to store a large amount of text data in a table, you may run into the problem of needing to store a character string larger than the maximum number or characters allowed for the CHARACTER (or VARCHAR) data type. Suppose, for example, that you had a HUMAN_RESOURCES table and one of the columns was RESUME. If you are using MS-SQL Server as your DBMS, you could store only the first 4,000 characters of the resume in the RESUME column of the HUMAN_RESOURCES table. Fortunately, Microsoft has the TEXT data type which, like Oracle's LONG data type, lets you store character strings of up to 2,147,483,647 characters. (If you are storing text strings in Unicode using columns of type NTEXT, you can store only 1,073,741,823 characters. Each Unicode character takes 2 bytes of storage, so you can store only half as many of them.)

It would be wasteful to preallocate 2GB of disk space for each column you declare as type TEXT. As such, MS-SQL Server preallocates only a small portion (8K) of the maximum TEXT space and allocates the remainder in 8K (8,192 byte) increments as you need it. As such, when it is ready to save character 8,193 of a TEXT string to disk, the DBMS allocates another block (page) of 8,192 bytes and creates a link from the page holding the previous 8,192 bytes to the page holding the next 8,192 bytes.

Once the DBMS stores the data in the TEXT column to disk, the entire TEXT block is logically contiguous. This is to say that the DBMS "sees" the TEXT block as one huge character string, even if the individual 8K blocks (pages) that make up the TEXT block are not physically contiguous. As such, you can display the entire contents of a TEXT column using a single SELECT statement such as:

 SELECT resume FROM human_resources

if, for example, HUMAN_RESOURCES were a table defined as:

 CREATE TABLE human_resources
name VARCHAR(25),
department_code TINYINT,
data_of_hire DATE,
resume TEXT)


The actual number of characters of TEXT data displayed by the SELECT statement is limited by the value of the Global Variable @@Textsize. If you don't change the value of @@Textsize, MS-SQL Server limits the number of TEXT characters displayed to 64K (64,512) by default.

Chapter 1 - SQL Tips and Techniques

Chapter 1 - SQL Tips and Techniques

Chapter 1: Understanding SQL Basics and Creating Database Files

Understanding Flat Files - SQL Tips and Techniques

Understanding the Hierarchical Database Model - SQL Tips and Techniques

Understanding the Network Database Model

Understanding the Relational Database Model

Understanding Codd's 12-Rule Relational Database Definition

Understanding Terms Used to Define an SQL Database

Understanding the Components of a Table

Understanding Table Names

Understanding Column Names

Understanding Views

Understanding Schemas

Understanding the SQL System Catalog

Understanding Domains

Understanding Constraints

Understanding the History of SQL

Understanding the Difference Between SQL and a Programming Language

Understanding Data Definition Language (DDL)

Understanding Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Understanding Data Control Language (DCL)

Understanding SQL Numeric Integer Data Types

Understanding SQL Character Data Types

Understanding the Advantages of Using the VARCHAR Data Type

Understanding the LONG (Oracle) or TEXT (MS-SQL Server) Data TypeUnderstanding the MS-SQL Server IMAGE Data Type

Understanding Standard SQL Datetime Data Types and the DATETIME Data Type

Understanding the SQL BIT Data Type

Understanding Constants

Understanding the MS-SQL Server ISNULL() Function

Understanding the MS-SQL Server IDENTITY Property

Understanding Assertions

Understanding the SQL DBMS Client/Server Model

Understanding the Structure of SQL Statements

Understanding SQL Keywords

Using the MS-SQL Server Query Analyzer to Execute SQL Statements

Using the CREATE DATABASE Statement to Create an MS-SQL Server Database and Transaction Log

Using the ED Command Within ISQL to Edit SQL Statements

Using the MS-SQL Server ISQL to Execute SQL Statements from the Command Line or Statements Stored in an ASCII File

Using the MS-SQL Server Enterprise Manager to Create a Database and Transaction Log

Using DROP DATABASE to Erase an MS-SQL Server Database and Transaction Log

Understanding How to Size MS-SQL Server Databases and Transaction Logs

Understanding the MS-SQL Server TempDB Database

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