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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Understanding Terms Used to Define an SQL Database

Every SQL database is based on the relational database model. As such, the individual data items in an SQL database are organized into tables. An SQL table (sometimes called a relation), consists of a two-dimensional array of rows and columns. As you learned in Codd's first two rules in Tip 6, "Understanding Codd's 12-Rule Relational Database Definition," each cell in a table contains a single valued entry, and no two rows are identical. If you've used a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel or Lotus 1-2-3, you're already familiar with tables, since spreadsheets typically organize their data into rows and columns. Suppose, for example, that you were put in charge of organizing your high school class reunion. You might create (and maintain) a table of information on your classmates similar to that shown in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1: Relational database table of student information

Notice that when you look vertically down the table, all of the values in any one column have the same meaning in each and every row of the table. As such, if you see a student ID in the first column of the tenth row of the table, you know that every row in the table has a student ID in its first column. Similarly, if you find a street address in the third column of the second row of a table, you know that the remaining rows of the table have a street address in the third column. In addition to a column having a consistent data type throughout the rows of the table, each column's data is also independent of other columns in the row. For example, the NAME column will contain student names whether it is the second column (as shown in Figure 7.1), the fifth column, or the tenth column in the table.
The "sameness" of the values in a column and the independence of the columns, allow SQL tables to satisfy Codd's relational database Rule 9 (Logical Data Independence). Neither the order of the rows in the table nor the order of its columns matters to the database management system (DBMS). When you tell the DBMS to execute an SQL statement such as
the DBMS will look in the system table (or catalog) to determine which column contains the NAME data and which column has the PHONE_NUMBER information. Then the DBMS will go through the rows of the table and retrieve the NAME and PHONE_NUMBER value from each row. If you later rearrange the table's rows or its columns, the original SQL statement will still retrieve the same NAME and PHONE_NUMBER data values—only the order of the displayed data might change if you changed the order of the rows in the table.

If you look horizontally across the table, you will notice that all of the columns in a single row are the attributes of a single entity. In fact, we often refer to individual table rows as records (or tuples), and the column values in the row as fields (or attributes). Thus, you might say that Figure 7.1 consists of 15 customer records and that each record has the fields STUDENT_ID, NAME, STREET_ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP_CODE, and PHONE_NUMBER.


A database view is not an opinion, nor is it what you see when you look out of a window in your home. Rather, a database view is the set of columns and rows of data from one or more tables presented to a user as if it were all of the rows and columns in a single table. Views are sometimes called "virtual" tables because they look like tables; you can execute most SQL statements on views as if they were tables. For example, you can query a view and update its data using the same SQL statements you would use to query and update the tables from which the view was generated. Views, however, are "virtual" tables because they have no independent existence. Views are a way of looking at the data, but they are not the data itself.
Suppose, for example, that your school had a policy of calling the homes of students too sick to attend classes (why else would you miss school, right?). The attendance clerk would need only a few columns (or attributes) from the STUDENT table and only those rows (or records) in which the student is absent. Figure 7.2 shows the attendance clerk's view of the data.
Figure 7.2: Attendance clerk database view derived from a single table

Although the student database has seven fields, the attendance clerk sees only three on his screen: STUDENT_ID, NAME, and PHONE_NUMBER. Since the attendance clerk is to call the homes of only the students absent from school, you would write a query that selected the rows of the STUDENT table that did not have a matching row in the ATTENDANCE table. Then you would have your query display only the three fields shown in the ATTENDANCE_CLERK view in Figure 7.2. Thus, the attendance clerk would see only the STUDENT_ID, NAME, and PHONE_NUMBER fields of absent students.

Now, suppose you needed to print the class schedule for the students. Well, each student needs only his or her own class information, as show in Figure 7.3.


Figure 7.3: Student schedule and personnel views derived from multiple tables

The STUDENT_SCHEDULE view includes the majority of columns from the CLASS_ DETAIL table and only two columns from the STUDENT_TABLE. Thus, one student's view of the database is very different than that shown to the attendance clerk. While the attendance clerk sees the database as a list of names and phone numbers of students absent on a particular day, the student sees the database as a list of classes he is scheduled to attend. As such, you can hide table columns from view, combine columns from multiple tables, and display only some of the rows in one or more tables.
As far as the user is concerned, the view itself is a table. As mentioned previously in the current example, the student thinks there is a table with his name and class schedule, and the attendance clerk thinks there is a table of absent students. In addition to displaying data as if it were a table, a view also allows a user with update access to change values in the base tables. (Base tables are those tables from which the view [or virtual table] is derived.) Notice the PERSONNEL view shown in Figure 7.3. Suppose that you had a personnel clerk responsible for entering the names of the instructors for each of the classes. The clerk's screen (view) would show the information on a particular class and allow the clerk to update the name of the instructor for that class. When the clerk changes the name in the INSTRUCTOR_NAME column of the PERSONNEL view, the DBMS actually updates the value in the INSTRUCTOR_NAME column of the CLASS_DETAIL table in the row from which the PERSONNEL view was derived.


The database schema is a set of tables (often called the system catalog) that contain a full description of the entire database. Although Figure 7.1 shows the names of the columns as part of the table, and Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3 show the names of the columns in place of data, actual database data tables contain only data values. Thus, the actual database table shown in Figure 7.1 would have only the information shown below the column headings. Similarly, the table rows (or records) represented by the rectangles in Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3 would have the actual student, attendance, and class information. The database schema has tables that contain:
  • The name of each data table
  • The names of each data table's columns, the type of data the column can hold, and the range of values that a column can take on
  • A list of database views, how the views are derived, and which users are allowed to use which views
  • A list of constraints, or rules, that limit the range of values one can enter into a column, rows one can delete from a table, and rows one can add
  • Security information on who can view (query) an existing table, remove a table, or create a new one
  • Security information on who can update each table's contents and which columns he or she can change
  • Security information on who can add rows to or delete rows from each table
You will learn more about the database schema in Tip 12, "Understanding Schemas." For now, the important thing to know is that the database schema contains a complete description of the database.


Each column of a table (or attribute of a relation) contains some finite number of values. The domain of the table column (or attribute) is the set of all possible values one could find in that column. Suppose, for example, that you had a table of coins in a U.S. coin collection. The DENOMINATION column could have only the values 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00. Thus, the "domain" of the DENOMINATION table is [0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00], and all of the rows in the table must have one of these values in the DENOMINATION column.


Constraints are the rules that limit what can be done to the rows and columns in a table and the values that can be entered into a table's attributes (columns). While the domain is the range of all values that a column can assume, a column constraint (such as the CHECK constraint, which you will learn about in Tip 193, "Using the CHECK Constraint to Validate a Column's Value") is what prevents a user from entering a value outside the column's domain.
In addition to limiting the values entered into a field, constraints specify rules that govern what rows can be added to or removed from a table. For example, you can prevent a user from adding duplicate rows to a table by applying the PRIMARY KEY constraint (which you will learn about in Tip 173, "Understanding Foreign Keys") to one of a table's columns. If you apply the PRIMARY KEY constraint to the STUDENT_ID column of the STUDENT table in Figure 7.1, the DBMS will make sure that every value in the STUDENT_ID column remains unique. If you already have a STUDENT_ID 101 in the STUDENT table, no user (or application program) can add another row with 101 in the STUDENT_ID column to the table. Similarly, you can apply the FOREIGN KEY constraint (which you will learn about in Tip 174, "Understanding Referential Data Integrity Checks and Foreign Keys") to a column to prevent related rows in another table from being deleted. Suppose, for example, that you had a CUSTOMER and ORDER table similar to that shown in Figure 7.4.
Konrad King
765 Wally Way
ORDER table
Order Date

Figure 7.4: ORDER and CUSTOMER table related by CUSTOMER_ID
The rows (or records) in the ORDER table are related to the CUSTOMER table by the value in the CUSTOMER_ID column. Thus, a row (or order) in the ORDER table with a CUSTOMER_ID of 10 was placed by Customer 10 (the row in the CUSTOMER table with a 10 in the CUSTOMER_ID column). If someone removed Customer 10 from the CUSTOMER table, you would no longer have any information (other than customer number) on the person that placed Order 1. You can prevent the loss of information by placing the FOREIGN KEY constraint on the CUSTOMER_ID column of the ORDER table. Once in place, the constraint will prevent anyone from deleting Customer 10 from the CUSTOMER table, as long as at least one row (order) in the ORDER table has a 10 in the CUSTOMER_ID field.
In short, constraints are the rules that maintain the domain, entity, and referential integrity of your database. You will learn all about the database integrity and the importance of maintaining it in Tips 175–190.

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