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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Understanding SQL Character Data Types

Table columns defined as being of one of the character data types can hold letters, numbers, and special characters (such as !,@,#,$,%,^, and so on). There are four character data types, each with one or two synonyms. The SQL character data types are:

Table 23.1: SQL Character Data Types

Character Type




Fixed-length character string




Variable-length character string




Fixed-length Unicode character string




Variable-length Unicode character string

When declaring a column as one of the character types, you specify both the character data type and its length. (The length of a character string is the maximum number of letters, symbols, and numbers the string can hold.) Thus, given the SQL table declaration

CREATE TABLE character_table
(char_column CHAR(10),
char_column2 CHAR(100),
varchar_column VARCHAR(100),
nchar_column NCHAR(20)
nchar_varying_column NCHAR VARYING (200))

you can store 10 characters in the column CHAR_COLUMN, 100 characters in CHAR_COLUMN2, 100 characters in the VARCHAR_COLUMN column, 20 characters in the column NCHAR_COLUMN, and 200 characters in the NCHAR_VARYING_COLUMN column.

To insert values that include letters or symbols into a CHARACTER data type column, enclose the string you want to insert in either single or double quotes. In our current example, executing the SQL INSERT statement

 INSERT IN character_table
VALUES ("Konrad", 9, 5+4, '5+4')

you would store Konrad in CHAR_COLUMN, 9 in VARCHAR_COLUMN, 9 in NCHAR_COLUMN, and 5+4 in NCHAR_VARYING_COLUMN. As you can see, if a character string includes only numbers, you need not enclose it in quotes. However, if the character string is a numeric expression, you must enclose it in quotes if you want the DBMS to store the numeric expression instead of the results of the numeric expression.

Fixed-Length CHARACTER Data Types

When you store data in a CHAR or CHARACTER column, each character, symbol, or number uses 1 byte of storage space. CHAR and CHARACTER are fixed-length data types, and the DBMS will pad (add blanks to) your string to make it the length specified in the column type definition. In the current example, the CHAR_COLUMN can store 10 characters. As such, the DBMS will store 10 characters in the CHAR_COLUMN column—the character string Konrad followed by four blanks. Similarly, the 9 in CHAR_COLUMN2 is stored as the character 9 followed by 99 blank spaces, since column CHAR_COLUMN2 was declared as a fixed-length character field of 100 characters.

You can store up to 8,000 characters in a column of type CHAR or CHARACTER.

Variable-Length CHARACTER Data Types

VARCHAR, CHAR VARYING, and CHARACTER VARYING are variable-length character strings, meaning that the length in the declaration is the maximum number of characters the column can hold, but the character string in the column may actually have less characters. Thus, in the current example, the NCHAR_COLUMN holds the character 9, using only one byte of storage. Similarly, the column NCHAR_VARYING_COLUMN holds the character string 5+4, using 3 bytes of data. Conversely, the DBMS uses 100 bytes to store the character 9 in CHAR_COLUMN2 and 10 bytes to store the character string Konrad because CHAR_COLUMN and CHAR_COLUMN2 are fixed-length character fields that must have the number of characters given as the column length in the table declaration.

You can store up to 8,000 characters in a column of type VARCHAR, CHAR VARYING, or CHARACTER VARYING.

Fixed- and Variable-Length Unicode CHARACTER Data Types

Computers store characters (whether symbols, letters, or numbers) as a numeric value. As such, every character, symbol, and number in the English language is represented on the computer as a unique sequence of 1s and 0s. Because different languages have characters that differ from any characters in another language, each has its own in encoding scheme. Thus, an A in German will have a different encoding (be represented as a different sequence of 1s and 0s) than an A in Russian. In fact, the European Union requires several different encodings to cover all of its languages.

Unicode was designed to provide a unique number for every character, no matter what platform, program, or language. Thus, the Unicode encoding for the letter A will have the same numeric value whether the A is found in a table on a system in Russia, Greece, or Japan.

The advantage of using Unicode is that you don't have to program in all of the possible numeric values for each symbol, letter, and number for all of the languages whose text you want to store in your database. The disadvantage of using Unicode is that due to the large number of Unicode characters (remember, Unicode is a combination of common and unique characters from any different character sets), it takes 2 bytes instead of 1 to represent each Unicode character. As a result, a Unicode string of type NCHAR(20) takes 40 bytes of storage, while a string of type CHAR(20) takes only 20 bytes.

When you define a column of type NCHAR, NATIONAL CHAR, or NATIONAL CHARACTER, you are telling the DBMS to store a fixed-length character string in the column using the Unicode encoding for each character in the string. Thus, a column of type NCHAR(length) (NATIONAL CHAR(length) and NATIONAL CHARACTER (length)) is a fixed-length character string like a column of type CHARACTER(length). Both contain the number of characters specified by (length). Thus, in our example, the NCHAR_COLUMN defined as data type NCHAR(20) can hold a character string of 20 characters. If you insert a character string of less than 20 characters into an NCHAR(20) column, the DBMS will add spaces to the end of the string to bring it to 20 characters.

You can store up to 4,000 characters in a column of type NCHAR, NATIONAL CHAR, or NATIONAL CHARACTER.

NCHAR VARYING is the Unicode equivalent of the VARCHAR data type. Like VARCHAR, columns of data type NCHAR VARYING(length) (NATIONAL CHAR VARYING (length) and NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING(length)) hold variable-length character strings up to the number of characters specified by length. Thus, in our example, the NCHAR_VARYING_COLUMN defined as data type NCHAR VARYING(200) can hold a character string of up to 200 characters. If you insert a string of less than 200 characters into an NCHAR VARYING(200) column, the DBMS will not add blanks to the end of the character string. As such, the length of a character string stored in an NCHAR VARYING column can be less than the maximum length (number of characters) specified for the column in the table declaration.

You can store up to 4,000 characters in a column of type NCHAR VARYING, NATIONAL CHAR VARYING, or NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING.


If you insert a character string longer than the length specified by the character type, the DBMS will truncate (or cut off) the extra characters and store the shortened string in the column without reporting an error. Therefore, if you have a column defined as being of type CHAR(10) and you attempt to insert the string abcdefghijklmnop, the DBMS will store abcdefghij in the column, shortening the maximum number of characters you specified for the character string. When storing a character string, the DBMS will truncate (shorten) a string longer than the maximum specified length, whether the character type is fixed-length or variable-length.

Understanding SQL Numeric Floating-Point Data Types

You can use floating-point columns to store both whole numbers and numbers with a fractional part—numbers with nonzero digits to the right of the decimal point. Unlike the INTEGER data types (INTEGER, SMALLINT, TINYINT), which have precision set by the implementation, you control the precision of the columns you define as NUMERIC or DECIMAL. (The precision of the other floating-point data types—REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, and FLOAT—is machine-dependent.)

The SQL floating-point data types are:

  • NUMERIC (precision, scale)

  • DECIMAL (precision, scale) or DEC (precision, scale)

  • REAL


  • FLOAT (precision)


When identifying a column as type NUMERIC, you should specify both the precision and the scale the DBMS is to use in storing values in the column. A number's precision is the total number of digits in a number. The scale is the maximum number of digits in the fractional part of the number. Thus, to allow for numeric data in the range -9999.999 to 9999.9999 you could use the following SQL statement:

 CREATE TABLE numeric_table
(numeric_column NUMERIC(8,4))

Both the precision and the scale of a NUMERIC column must be positive, and the scale (digits to the right of the decimal) cannot be larger than the precision (the maximum number of digits in the number). In the current example, the column NUMERIC_COLUMN has a precision of 8 and a scale of 4, meaning it can hold a number with, at most, eight digits, with four of them to the left and four of them to the right of the decimal point. Thus, if you attempt to insert the value 12345.6 into the column, the DBMS will return an arithmetic overflow error because your value has more than four digits to the left of the decimal. Similarly, if you insert the value 123.12345 into the column, the DBMS will round the value to 123.1235 because the scale is, at most, four digits (to the right of the decimal point).


If you don't specify the precision and scale when you identify a column of type NUMERIC, you will get the DBMS default for precision and scale. For example, if you are using MS-SQL Server and enter the following SQL statement

CREATE TABLE numeric_table
(numeric_column NUMERIC)

MS-SQL Server will give you a precision of 18 and a scale of 0. Thus, you can enter whole numbers 18 digits—the DBMS ignores any digits you enter to the right of the decimal point since the default scale is 0. Other DBMS products may give you a scale that is half of the precision. Thus, if the default precision is 18, the scale would be 9. When using the NUMERIC type, don't leave the precision and scale up to the DBMS—specify both. Otherwise, you may find that applications using your tables on one DBMS work fine but fail when running on another DBMS because the default precision and scale are different between the two products.

DECIMAL and DEC Data Types

The DECIMAL data type is similar to NUMERIC in that you specify both the precision and the scale of the numbers the DBMS is to store in columns of type DECIMAL. When a column is of type decimal, however, it may hold values with a greater precision and scale than you specify if the DBMS and the computer on which it is running allow for a greater precision. Thus, if you use the SOL statement

CREATE TABLE decimal_table
(decimal_column DECIMAL (6,2))

you can always put values up to 9999.99 into the column DECIMAL_COLUMN. However, if the implementation uses a greater precision, the DBMS will not reject values with values greater than 9999.99.


An implementation is a DBMS product running on a specific hardware platform.

REAL Data Type

Unlike the NUMERIC, DECIMAL, and DEC data types, which define columns with precise values, REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, and FLOAT are approximate data types. When you define a column of TYPE NUMERIC(5,2), the computer will store the exact value of the number. You can specify the precision and scale for the precise floating point types (NUMERIC, DECIMAL, DEC), but there is a limit to the largest value you can store "exactly." Using MS-SQL Server running on an NT platform, for example, you can store a NUMERIC value with up to 38 digits. Therefore, if you need to store very large or very small numbers, you will need to use the REAL, DOUBLE, or FLOAT approximate data types.

The precision of the REAL data type depends on the platform on which you're running. A 64-bit machine (such as one based on the Alpha processor) will give you more precision than a 32-bit machine (such as one based on the Intel processor). When you define a column to be of type REAL using MS-SQL Server running under Windows NT on an INTEL platform, for example, the column can hold values with up seven digits of precision in the range 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38.

In case, you're a bit "rusty" on the scientific notation you learned in high school, let's digress for a quick review. As you know (or knew), you can represent any number as a mantissa and an exponent. For example, if you have the number 32,768, you can express it as 3.2768E+4, which is the mantissa (3.2768, in this example) multiplied by 10 raised to the power or exponent (4, in this example). Thus, writing 3.2768E+4 is the same as writing 3.2768 * 10**4, which equals 32,768. Similarly, you could write 0.000156 as 1.56E-4.

A column of type REAL in an MS-SQL Server database running on an Intel platform can hold up to eight digits in the mantissa and have a value in the range 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38.


Check your system manual to find out the exact precision and value range of REAL numbers for your implementation.


When you define a column as being a DOUBLE PRECISION type, you are telling the DBMS that you want to store values with double the precision of a REAL data type. Like the REAL data type, the actual precision of a DOUBLE PRECISION column depends on the implementation (the combination of DBMS and platform on which it is running). The SQL-92 specification does not specify exactly what DOUBLE PRECISION means. It requires only that the precision of a DOUBLE PRECISION number be greater than the precision of a REAL (or single precision) number.

In some systems, the DOUBLE PRECISION data type will let you store numbers with twice the number of digits of precision defined for the REAL data type and twice the exponent. Other systems will let you store less than double the number of REAL digits in the mantissa, but let you store much larger (or smaller) numbers by letting you more than double the exponent allowed for the REAL data type.

The DOUBLE PRECISION data type for MS-SQL Server running under Windows NT on an INTEL platform gives you 16 digits of precision (17 digits total) for the mantissa and much more than twice the exponent of a REAL number. While an MS-SQL Server column of type REAL can hold values with up to 8 digits (7 digits of precision) and be in the range 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38, a DOUBLE PRECISION column on the same system can hold 17-digit mantissas (16 digits of precision) and be in the range of 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308.

Check your system manual to find out the exact precision and value range of DOUBLE PRECISION numbers for your implementation. Don't assume that DOUBLE PRECISION means twice the precision and twice the exponent.

FLOAT Data Type

Whether the FLOAT data type has the precision and range of a REAL number or a DOUBLE PRECISION number depends on the precision you specify when defining a column to be of type FLOAT.

When you define a column of type FLOAT, you specify the precision you want. If the hardware on which you are running the DBMS will support the precision using single-precision (REAL) registers, then you will get the default precision for REAL numbers. If, on the other hand, the hardware supports only the precision you specified for the FLOAT data type using DOUBLE PRECISION registers, the DBMS will store values of type FLOAT using the default precision for the DOUBLE PRECISION data type.

In reality, you will have to check your system manual or experiment with storing numbers in columns of type FLOAT to see the actual precision you will get based on the precision you specify for the FLOAT data type. For example, when running MS-SQL Server under Windows NT on an INTEL computer, the SQL statement

CREATE TABLE float_table
(float_column FLOAT (15))

will result in only seven digits of precision (eight digits total). Thus, MS-SQL Server will insert 123456789012 as 1.2345679E+11 in the FLOAT_COLUMN, even though you specified a precision as 15. In fact, any precision less than 25 will result in only a single-precision (REAL) 7 digits of precision. If you specify a FLOAT precision of 26–53 (or omit the precision), the DBMS will store values using the DOUBLE PRECISION 16 digits of precision (17 digits total).

Understanding SQL Numeric Integer Data Types

Columns of type INTEGER can hold whole numbers-numbers without a fractional part (nonzero digits to the right of the decimal point). The maximum number of digits, or precision, of an INTEGER column is implementation-dependant. As such, you cannot control the maximum positive and negative value you can assign to an INTEGER column (check your SQL manual for the precision of integers on your system).


An implementation is a DBMS product running on a specific hardware platform.

There are two standard SQL INTEGER types: INTEGER (also INT) and SMALLINT. The precision of INTEGER is twice that of SMALLINT. MS-SQL Server running on a Windows NT platform, for example, can store an INTEGER value in the range -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,486,647 (-[2**31] to 2**31). Each MS-SQL INTEGER consists of 4 bytes (32 bits)-31 bits for the magnitude (precision) and 1 bit for the sign. (Note that the term "precision" as used here is the number of digits in the number and not its accuracy.)

An MS-SQL Server SMALLINT, on the other hand, can hold numbers in the range -32,768 to 37,267 (-[2**15] to 2**15). Each MS-SQL Server SMALLINT consists of 2 bytes (16 bits)-15 for the magnitude (precision) and 1 bit for the sign.

The amount of storage space required to save an integer value to disk depends on its precision, not the actual number being stored. Thus, if you declare a column to be of type INTEGER, the system will take 8 bytes to store 1, 10,000, 1,000,000, or 2,000,000,000 in that column. Similarly, if you declare a column to be of type SMALLINT, the DBMS will take 4 bytes (instead of 8) to store a value, whether it is 2, 2,000, or 32,000.

Even in this day of large, inexpensive disks, it is best to conserve disk space by using the appropriate integer type (INTEGER or SMALLINT) based on the precision that you will need to store the values in a column. Thus, if you know that the value in a column will be no more than 32,767 and no less than -32,768, define the column as a SMALLINT, not an INTEGER. Both will hold whole numbers, but the SMALLINT data type will store those numbers using 4 bytes fewer than that used to store the same value in a column of type INTEGER.

Some SQL servers will even allow you to store a whole number value using as little as 1 byte. MS-SQL Server, for example, has the TINYINT data type. Columns of type TINYINT can hold positive whole numbers in the range 0 to 255. Thus, if you know that you will be using a column to store numbers no smaller than 0 and no larger than 255, define the column as TINYINT instead of INTEGER, and save 6 bytes per value stored.

The DBMS will automatically prevent the insertion of any rows where the value in a column is outside the acceptable range of values for that column's data type. Thus, if you create a table using:

CREATE TABLE  integer_table
(integer_max INT,
smallint_max SMALLINT,
tinyint_max TINYINT)

and then try to INSERT a row using:

VALUES (1,2,256)

the DBMS will reject the row and return an error message similar to:

Server: Msg 220, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error for type tinyint, value = 256.
The statement has been terminated.

You will learn all about the INSERT statement in Tip 67, "Using the INSERT Statement to Add Rows to a Table." For now the important thing to know is that the VALUES clause in the INSERT statement tells the DBMS to insert the listed values by position. In the current example, the DBMS tries to assign the value 1 to the INTEGER_MAX column, the value 2 to the SMALLINT_MAX column, and the value 256 to the TINYINT_MAX column. The DBMS is able to carry out the first two assignments, but the third (assigning 256 to TINYINT_MAX, of data type TINYINT) causes an error since the maximum value of a column of type TINYINT is 255.

To summarize, SQL numeric INTEGER types are as shown in the following table:

Table 21.1: Numeric Integer Data Types and Storage Requirements



Storage Space


-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,486,647

4 bytes (32 bits)


-32,768 to 32,767

2 bytes (16 bits)


0 to 255

1 byte (8 bits)

The precision and storage space are those for an MS-SQL Server running on a Windows NT server. Moreover, TINYINT is an MS-SQL Server-specific data type. You will need to check your system manuals to determine the precision, storage requirements, and other whole number types for your DBMS.


If you want to make your tables transportable, stick with the standard SQL INTEGER types: INTEGER (or INT) and SMALLINT. Otherwise, you may have to change your table definitions to create the same tables under different DBMS products if one supports a data type (such as TINYINT) and the other does not.

Understanding Data Control Language (DCL)

While DML lets you make changes to the data in your database, data control language (DCL) protects your data from harm. If you correctly use the tools that DCL provides, you can keep unauthorized users from viewing or changing your data, and prevent many of the problems that can corrupt your database. There are four DCL commands:

  • COMMIT. Tells the DBMS to make permanent changes made to temporary copies of the data by updating the permanent database tables to match the updated, temporary copies. The COMMIT statement is discussed in Tip 129, "Understanding When to Use the COMMIT Statement."

  • ROLLBACK. Tells the DBMS to undo any changes made to the DBMS after the most recent commit. The ROLLBACK statement is discussed in Tip 130, "Using the ROLLBACK Statement to UNDO Changes Made to Database Objects."

  • GRANT. Gives specific SQL statement access on individual database objects to a user or group of users. The GRANT statement is discussed in Tip 145, "Using the GRANT Statement WITH GRANT OPTION to Allow Users to Give Database Object Access to Other Users."

  • REVOKE. Removes specific SQL statement access previously granted on individual database objects from a user or group of users. The REVOKE statement is discussed in Tip 147, "Using the REVOKE Statement with the CASCADE Option to Remove Privileges."

A database is most vulnerable to damage while someone is changing it. If the software or hardware fails in the middle of making a change, the data will be left in an indeterminate state-part of what you wanted done will be completed, and part will not. Suppose for example that you told SQL to move money from one bank account to another. If the computer locks up while it is doing the transfer, you won't know if the DBMS debited the one account or if it got around to crediting the second account.

By encapsulating the debit and credit UPDATE statements within a transaction, you can make sure that the DBMS executes both statements successfully before executing the COMMIT command to write the updated balances permanently to the database.

If the DBMS does not successfully complete all of the statements in a transaction, you issue a ROLLBACK command. The DBMS will back out any changes made to the database since the last COMMIT command was executed. In the case of our failed money transfer example, the DBMS would back out any and all updates so that the balances in the accounts would be as they were before the DBMS attempted to move money from one account to another-it would be as if the transaction never happened.

Aside from data corruption caused by hardware or software failures, you also have to protect your data from the users themselves. Some people should have no access to the database. Others should be able to see some but not all of the data, while not being able to update any of it. Still others should have access to see and update a portion of the data. Thus, you must be able to approach database security on a user-by-user and group-by-group basis. DCL gives you the GRANT and REVOKE commands to use in assigning access privileges to individual users and groups of users. The DCL commands used to control security are:

  • GRANT SELECT. Lets the user or group see the data in a table or view. Tip 149 discusses the GRANT and REVOKE SELECT statements.

  • REVOKE SELECT. Prevents the user or group from seeing data in a table or view. Tip 149 discusses the GRANT and REVOKE SELECT statements.

  • GRANT INSERT. Lets the user or group to add row(s) to a table or view. Tip 151 discusses the GRANT INSERT statement

  • REVOKE INSERT. Prevents users or groups from adding row(s) to a table or view. Tip 151 discusses the REVOKE INSERT statement.

  • GRANT UPDATE. Lets the user or group of users change the values in the columns of a table or view. Tip 152 discusses the GRANT UPDATE statement.

  • REVOKE UPDATE. Prevents the user or group of users from changing the values in the columns of a table or view. Tip 152 discusses the REVOKE UPDATE statement.

  • GRANT DELETE. Allows a user or group of users to delete row(s) in table or view

  • REVOKE DELETE. Prevents a user or group of users from deleting row(s) in a table or view.

  • GRANT REFERENCES. Lets a user or group of users to define a FOREIGN KEY reference to the table. Tip 153 discusses the GRANT REFERENCES statement.

  • REVOKE REFERENCES REVOKE REFERENCES. Prevents the user or group of users from defining a FOREIGN KEY reference to the table. Tip 153 discusses the REVOKE REFERENCES statement.

Thus, DCL contains commands you can use to control who can access your database and what those users can do once they log in. Moreover, the DCL gives you control over when the DBMS makes permanent (COMMITs) changes to your database and lets you undo (ROLLBACK) changes not yet committed.

Understanding Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Data manipulation language (DML) lets you do five things to an SQL database: add data to tables, retrieve and display data in table columns, change data in tables, and delete data from tables. As such, basic DML consists of five statements:

  • INSERT INTO. Lets you add one or more rows (or columns) into a table.

  • SELECT. Lets you query one or more tables and will display columns in rows that meet your search criteria.

  • UPDATE. Lets you change the value in one or more columns in table rows that meet your search criteria.

  • DELETE FROM. Lets you remove one or more table rows that meet your search criteria.

  • TRUNCATE. Lets you remove all rows from a table.

In theory, data manipulation is very simple. You already understand what it means to add data. Tip 67, "Using the INSERT Statement to Add Rows to a Table," will show you how to INSERT (add) data directly into to a table; Tip 68, "Using the INSERT Statement to Insert Rows Through a View," will show you how to INSERT data into a table through a view; and Tip 71, "Using the SELECT Statement to INSERT Rows from One Table into Another," will show you how to copy rows from one table into another.

The hardest part of data manipulation is selecting the rows you want to display, change, or delete. Since a relational database can have more than one schema, there is no guarantee that all data items (column values) in a database are related to each other in some way. What you do know is that sets of data items (columns in tables and tables in a schema) are related. You will use the SELECT statement to describe the data you want to see, and then the DBMS will find and display it for you. Tip 86, "Understanding the Structure of a SELECT Statement," shows you the structure of the SELECT statement, and Tip 87, "Understanding the Steps Involved in Processing an SQL SELECT Statement," shows you what you can expect after executing an SQL query.

Because databases model a constantly changing world, the data in a database will require frequent updates. The update process involves finding the row(s) with the data item(s) (column[s]) you want to change and then updating the values in those columns. Tips 73–77 show you how to use the UPDATE statement in conjunction with the SELECT statement to update column values in rows that meet your search criteria.

Once data gets old and loses its usefulness, you will want to remove it from the table in which it resides. Outdated or unneeded data in table rows slows performance, consumes memory and disk space, and can confuse users if returned as part of a query. Thus, you will want to use the DELETE statement to remove unneeded rows from a table. Tip 79, "Using the DELETE Statement to Remove a Row from a Table," shows you how to use the DELETE statement to remove a single row from a table; Tip 80, "Using the DELETE Statement with a Conditional Clause to Remove Multiple Rows from a Table," and Tip 81, "Using the DELETE Statement with a Subquery to Remove Multiple Rows from a Table," show you how use the DELETE statement to remove multiple rows from a table; and Tip 82, "Using the TRUNCATE Statement to Remove All Rows from an MS-SQL Server Table," shows you how to use the TRUNCATE statement to remove all rows from a table.

Although basic DML consists of only five statements, it is a powerful tool for entering, displaying, changing, and removing data from your database. DML lets you specify exactly what you want to do to the data in your database.

Understanding Data Definition Language (DDL)

Data definition language (DDL) is the set of SQL statements (ALTER, CREATE, DROP, GRANT) that let you create, alter, or destroy (drop) the objects that make up a relational database. To put it another way, you use DDL to define the structure and security of a database. SQL-89 (the first ANSI/ISO standard written for SQL) defines data manipulation language (DML) and DDL as two distinct and relatively unrelated languages. Moreover, DML statements, which allow you to update the data in the database, must be available for use while users are accessing the database, for obvious reasons. SQL-89 does not require that the DBMS accept DDL statements during its normal operation. Thus, the standard allows a static database structure similar to that of the hierarchical model (see Tip 3, "Understanding the Hierarchical Database Model") and the network model (see Tip 4, "Understanding the Network Database Model").

The most basic (and powerful) DDL statement is the CREATE statement. Using CREATE, you build the database schema (which you learned about in Tip 12, "Understanding Schemas"). For example, to build a database with two schemas as shown in Figure 18.1, you could use the following SQL statements:

(ID CHAR(3),


The CREATE SCHEMA statement uses AUTHORIZATION in place of USER in naming the schema (such as CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION KONRAD, in the example). Not only does the SQL-89 specification refer to users as "authorization IDs," but the term authorization ID is more applicable on those occasions when you are creating a schema for a department vs. an individual. Moreover, even when creating schemas for individual authorization ID "works," the user ID (or username) is the ID that is authorized to the rights of ownership over the objects in the schema

If you were working in an environment using a static DDL, you would submit the CREATE SCHEMA statements to the database builder program, which would create the tables and set up the security scheme. The database structure would then be "frozen." Users could log in (and application programs could attach) to the database and send DML commands to work with the data in the database, but no tables could be removed or added.

In support of the static nature of the database structure, the SQL-89 specification did not include DROP TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements in the DDL definition. If you needed to change the structure of the database (by adding or removing a table, for example), you would have to get everyone to log out of the database and stop all DBMS access and processing. Then you would unload the data, submit a revised schema to the builder application, and then reload the data.

Although the SQL-89 standard permits a static database structure, no SQL database ever used this approach. Even the earliest releases of the IBM SQL products included the DROP TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. Full compliance with SQL-92 eliminates the static database structure in that the current (as of this writing) SQL standard includes both DROP and ALTER statements—which require that users be able to remove or modify the structure of tables on the fly (that is, during the normal operation of the DBMS).

Although only the CREATE SCHEMA statement was shown in detail in this tip, other tips in this book will show how to use each of the DDL statements to:

  • CREATE/DROP/ALTER ASSERTION. Limits the values that can be assigned to a column based on single or multiple table column relationships. DDL assertion statements are discussed in Tip 199, "Using the CREATE ASSERTION Statement to Create Multi-table Constraints."

  • CREATE/DROP/ALTER DOMAIN. A named set of valid values for a column. DDL domain statements are discussed in Tip 170, "Using the CREATE DOMAIN Statement to Create Domains."

  • CREATE/DROP INDEX. Structures that speed up database access by making it easier for SQL query statements to find the set of rows with columns that meet the search criteria. DDL index statements are discussed in Tip 161, "Using the CREATE INDEX Statement to Create an Index," and Tip 163, "Using the MS-SQL Server Enterprise Manager to Create an Index."

  • CREATE/DROP SCHEMA. a set of related tables, views, domains, constraints, and security structure. Discussed in Tip 506, "Using the CREATE SCHEMA Statement to Create Tables and Grant Access to Those Tables."

  • CREATE/DROP/ALTER TABLE. Rows of related columns (of data). DDL table statements are discussed in Tip 46, "Using the CREATE TABLE Statement to Create Tables"; Tip 56, "Understanding the ALTER TABLE Statement"; Tip 57, "Using the ALTER TABLE Statement to Add a Column to a Table"; Tip 60, "Using the ALTER TABLE Statement to Change Primary and Foreign Keys"; and Tip 63, "Using the DROP TABLE Statement to Remove a Table from the Database."

  • CREATE/DROP/ALTER VIEW. Virtual tables that display columns of data from rows in one or more base tables. DDL view statements are discussed in Tip 64, "Using the DROP VIEW Statement to Remove a View"; Tip 206, "Using a View to Display Columns in One or More Tables or Views"; and Tip 460, "Using the ALTER VIEW Statement to Modify a View."

  • GRANT. Gives specific SQL statement access on individual database objects to a user or group of users. The GRANT statement is discussed in Tip 145, "Using the GRANT Statement WITH GRANT OPTION to Allow Users to Give Database Object Access to Other Users."

The important thing to know now is that DDL consists of the statements that let you create, alter, and destroy objects (tables, views, indexes, domains, constraints) in your database. DDL also has the GRANT statement that you can use to set up database security by granting users or groups DDL and DML statement access on a statement-by-statement and object-by-object basis.


The GRANT statement is part of the DDL and the data control language (DCL). When used in a CREATE SCHEMA statement, GRANT acts as a DDL statement. When used to give users (or groups) additional privileges outside a schema definition, GRANT is a DCL statement. As such, you will find GRANT and its opposite (REVOKE) in Tip 20, "Understanding Data Control Language (DCL)," which describes the SQL DCL statements.

Understanding the Difference Between SQL and a Programming Language

To solve problems in a procedural programming language (such as Basic, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, and so on), you write lines of code that perform one operation after another until the program completes its tasks. The program may execute its lines of code in a linear sequence or loop to repeat some steps or branch to skip others. In any case, when writing a program in a procedural language, the programmer specifies what is to be done and how to do it.

SQL, on the other hand, is a nonprocedural language in that you tell SQL what you want to do without specifying exactly how to accomplish the task. The DBMS, not the programmer, decides the best way to perform the job. Suppose, for example, that you have a CUSTOMER table and you want a list of customers that owe you more than $1,000.00. You could tell the DBMS to generate the report with this SQL statement:

BALANCE_DUE > 1000.00

If writing a procedural program, you would have to write the control loop that reads each row (record) in the table, decides whether to print the values in the columns (fields), and moves on to the next row until it reaches the end of the table. In SQL, you specify only the data you want to see. The DBMS then examines the database and decides how best to fulfill your request.

Although it is an acronym for "Structured Query Language," SQL is more than just a data retrieval tool. SQL is a:

  • Data definition language (DDL), for creating (and dropping) database objects such as tables, constraints, domains, and keys.

  • Data manipulation language (DML), for changing values stored in columns, inserting new rows, and deleting those you no longer want.

  • Data control language (DCL), for protecting the integrity of your database by defining a sequence of one or more SQL statements as a transaction in which the DBMS must complete all statements successfully or have none of them affect the database. DCL also lets you set up the security structure for the database.

  • Query language, for retrieving data.

In addition to the DDL, DML, DCL, and query functions, SQL maintains data integrity and coordinates concurrent access to the database objects. In short, SQL provides all of the tools you need for controlling and interacting with the DBMS.

Despite all that it does, SQL is not a complete computer language (like Basic, C, or FORTRAN) because it contains no block (BEGIN, END) statements, conditional (IF) statements, branch (GOTO) statements, or loop (DO, WHILE, FOR) statements. Because it lacks input statements, output statements, and common procedural language control methods, SQL is considered a data sublanguage. What SQL lacks in procedural language components, it makes up for in the database realm with statements specialized for database management and data retrieval tasks.

You can get information from an SQL database by submitting ad hoc queries during an interactive session or by embedding SQL statements in a procedural application program. Issuing queries during an interactive session is most appropriate when you want a quick answer to a specific question that you may ask only once. If, on the other hand, you need the same information repeatedly and want to control the format of the output, embedding SQL statements in an application program or having the program send SQL commands to the DBMS via a call-level interface makes the most sense.


Most major database vendors are adding procedural programming language-like features to their SQL products by allowing you to create stored procedures. Stored procedures are sequences of SQL statements that you tell the DBMS to execute by entering the stored procedure's name at the console during an interactive session, or by sending the name as a command to the DBMS within an application program. The stored procedure itself contains SQL statements and code written in the vendor's extensions to SQL that provide procedural language facilities such as BEGIN-END blocks, IF statements, functions, procedures, WHILE loops, FOR loops, and so on. Oracle, for example, extends SQL with PL/SQL and SQL *Plus, while Microsoft lets you use its Transact-SQL extensions in stored procedures.

Understanding the History of SQL

Both SQL and relational database theory originated in IBM's research laboratories. In June 1970, Dr. Edgar F. Codd, an IBM engineer, wrote a paper outlining the mathematical theory of how data could be stored in tables and manipulated using a data sublanguage. The article, entitled "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks," was published in the Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and led to the creation of relational database management systems (DBMS) and Structured Query Language (SQL).

After Dr. Codd published his article, IBM researchers began work on System /R, a prototype relational DBMS. During the development of System /R, the engineers also worked on a database query language-after all, once data was stored in a DBMS, it would be of no use unless you could combine and extract it in the form of useful information. One of the query languages, SEQUEL (short for Structured English Query Language), became the de facto standard data query language for relational DBMS products. The SQL we use today is the direct descendant of IBM's original SEQUEL data sublanguage.

Although IBM started the research in 1970 and developed the first prototype relational DBMS (System /R) in 1978, it was Oracle (then known as Relational Software, Inc.) that introduced the first commercial relational DBMS product in 1980. The Oracle DBMS (which ran on Digital Equipment Corp [DEC] VAX minicomputers) beat IBM's first commercial DBMS product (SQL/DS) to market by two years. While Oracle continued to refine its product and released version 3, which ran on mainframes, minicomputers, and PCs, in 1982, IBM was working on Database 2 (DB2) which it announced in 1983 and began shipping in 1985.

DB2 operated on IBM's MVS operating system on IBM mainframes that dominated the large data center market at the time. IBM called DB2 its flagship relational DBMS, and with IBM's weight behind it, DB2's SQL became the de facto standard database language.

Although initially slower than other database models (such as the hierarchical model that you learned about in Tip 3, "Understanding the Hierarchical Database Model," and the network model that you learned about in Tip 4, "Understanding the Network Database Model"), the relational model had one major advantage-you didn't need a programmer to get information from the database. The relational query languages let users pose ad hoc, English-like queries to the database and get immediate answers-without having to write a program first.

As the performance of relational DBMS products improved through software enhancements and increases in hardware processing power, they became accepted as the database technology of the future. Unfortunately, compatibility across vendor platforms was poor. Each company's DBMS included its own version of SQL. While every flavor of SQL contained the basic functionality of IBM's DB2 SQL, each extended it in ways that took advantage of the particular strengths of the vendor's relational DBMS and hardware platform.

In 1986 the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the first formal ANSI/ISO standard for SQL. SQL-86 (or SQL1) gave SQL "official" status as the relational DBMS data language. ANSI updated the standard in 1992 to include "popular" enhancements/extensions found across DBMS products and added a "wish list" objects and methods that a DBMS should have.

SQL-92 (or SQL2), published in ANSI Document X3.135-1992, is the most current and comprehensive definition of SQL. At present, no commercial DBMS fully supports all of the features defined by SQL-92, but all vendors are working toward becoming increasingly compliant with the standard. As a result, we are getting closer to the goal of having a data language (SQL) that is truly transportable across DBMS products and hardware platforms.

Understanding Constraints

Constraints are database objects that restrict the data that a user or application program can enter into the columns of a table. There are seven types of constraints: assertions, domains, check constraints, foreign key constraints, primary key constraints, required data, and uniqueness constraints. Each type of constraint plays a different roll in maintaining database integrity:

  • Assertions. Allow you to maintain the integrity of a relationship among data values that cross multiple tables within a database. Suppose, for example, that you have a marketing room with four teams of sales representatives, and each of the sales representatives has a quota for the number of sales he or she is to make on a daily basis. If your marketing manager has a daily quota, you would use an assertion to ensure that the ROOM_QUOTA column in the marketing manager record (row) of the MANAGER table did not exceed the sum of the values in the REP_QUOTA column in the PHONE_REP table. You will learn more about assertions in Tip 33, "Understanding Assertions," and Tip 199, "Using the CREATE ASSERTION Statement to Create Multi-table Constraints."

  • Domains. Ensure that users and applications enter only valid values into table columns. Every column in a table has a certain set of values that are legal for that column. For example, if the MONTHLY_SALARY column in a PAYROLL table must always have values between $0.00 and $100,000.00, you can apply a domain constraint to tell the DBMS to prevent values outside of that range from being entered into the database. (Of course, high-stress jobs, such as SQL DBA, will require that the upper limit of the MONTHLY_SALARY domain be higher.)

  • Check constraints. In addition to being used to define domains and assertions, this constraint can be applied directly to table columns in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements. Whether a check constraint is given a name (using the CREATE DOMAIN or CREATE ASSERTION statement) or is added directly to a table definition, it performs the same function.

As you learned in Tip 14, "Understanding Domains," you create a domain by giving a name to a check constraint with a constant set of data values. Instead of using the CREATE DOMAIN statement, you can include CHECK constraint (which you will learn about in Tip 193, "Using the CHECK Constraint to Validate a Column's Value") directly to a column in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.

As you will learn in Tip 33, an assertion is really another name for a CHECK constraint to which you've assigned a name using the CREATE ASSERTION statement. You can use assertions or multi-table CHECK constraints to apply business rules to the values of columns in a table. Suppose, for example, that your company did not allow back orders. As such, you could use a query in the CHECK constraint on the QUANTITY column of the ORDER table that would allow only values that were less than the total of the product currently on hand, as shown in the INVENTORY table. You will learn more about using search conditions in the CHECK constraint in Tip 444, "Understanding When to Use a CHECK Constraint Instead of a Trigger."

  • Foreign key constraints. Are used to maintain referential integrity within the database by making sure that the parent record is not removed if there are still child records. Conversely, the FOREIGN KEY constraint also makes sure that you do not add a child record (row) to a table if there is no corresponding parent. Suppose, for example, that you had two tables, STUDENT and GRADES. You would apply the FOREIGN KEY constraint (which you will learn about in Tip 174, "Understanding Referential Data Integrity Checks and Foreign Keys") to one of the columns (such as STUDENT_NUMBER) in the child (GRADES) table to tell the DBMS that the value inserted in that column must also be present in the PRIMARY KEY column in one of the rows in the parent (STUDENT) table. Thus, if STUDENT_ID were the PRIMARY KEY in the (parent) STUDENT table, the DBMS would allow the insertion of a row into the GRADES table only if the student record (row) had a STUDENT_NUMBER equal to one of the STUDENT_IDs in the STUDENT table. Conversely, the DBMS would prevent the deletion of any student record (row) from the STUDENT table if one or more grades records (rows) had a STUDENT_NUMBER equal to the STUDENT_ID in the row to be deleted.

  • Primary key constraints. Maintain entity integrity by specifying that at least one column in a table must have a unique value in each and every row of the table. Having a column with a different value in every row of the table prevents two rows of the table from being identical, thereby satisfying Codd's Rule #2 ("The Guaranteed Access Rule," discussed in Tip 6, "Understanding Codd's 12-Rule Relational Database Definition"). If you have a STUDENT table, for example, you would want one and only one row in the table to list the attributes (columns) for any one student. As such, you would apply the PRIMARY KEY constraint (which you will learn about in Tip 173, "Understanding Foreign Keys") to the STUDENT_ID column of the STUDENT table in order to ensure that no two students were given the same student ID number.

  • Required data. Some columns in a table must contain data in order for the row to successfully describe a physical or logical entity. For example, suppose you had a GRADES table that contained a STUDENT_ID column. Each and every row in the table must have a value in the STUDENT_ID column in order for that grade record (row) to make sense—after all, a grade in a class is meaningless unless it is associated with the specific student (identified by the STUDENT_ID) that earned it. You will learn about the NOT NULL (required data) constraint in Tip 191, "Using the NOT NULL Column Constraint to Prevent NULL Values in a Column."

  • Uniqueness constraints. While each table can have only one PRIMARY KEY, there are times when you may want to specify that more than one column in a table should have a unique value in each row. You can apply the UNIQUE constraint (which you will learn about in Tip 192, "Using the UNIQUE Column Constraint to Prevent Duplicate Values in a Column") to a table column to ensure that only one row in the table will have a certain value in that column. Suppose, for example, that you have a TEACHERS table and want to have only one teacher available for each subject offered at the school. If the table's PRIMARY KEY constraint were already applied to the TEACHER_ID column, you could apply the UNIQUE constraint to the SUBJECT column to tell the DBMS not to allow the insertion of a row where the value in the SUBJECT column matched the value in the SUBJECT column of a row already in the table.

The DBMS stores a description of each constraint in its system tables when the constraint is normally specified as part of a table definition (CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, PRIMARY KEY, NOT NULL [required data], UNIQUE), or by using the CREATE statement (ASSERTION, DOMAIN). All constraints are database objects that either limit the values that you can put into a table's columns or limit the rows (combination of column values) that you can add to a table.

Understanding Domains

A domain is the set of all values that are legal for a particular column in a table. Suppose, for example, that your EMPLOYEE table had a DEPENDANT field that your company policy states must be an INTEGER between 0 and 14. The domain of DEPENDANT would then be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14. Or, suppose you were maintaining a table for a tablecloth inventory that has a COLOR column, and all of your tablecloths were white, beige, or blue. The domain of the COLOR column would then be WHITE, BEIGE, BLUE.

Once you define a domain using the CREATE DOMAIN statement (which we will discuss in Tip 170, "Using the CREATE DOMAIN Statement to Create Domains"), you can use the domain as a data type when defining a column. Suppose, for example, that you had a CUSTOMER table with a STATE field. You could define the domain of the STATE field by creating a STATE_CODE domain using this SQL statement:

CHECK (VALUE IN ('AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'CO', 'CT', ... ))


You would list the remaining 45 state codes in place of the "..." in the VALUE IN section of the CREATE DOMAIN statement.

To have the DBMS validate data as it is entered into the STATE field of the CUSTOMER table, use the STATE_CODE domain as the data type for the state field when creating the table, as shown in this SQL statement:


The beauty of defining a domain is that you can change it on the fly without having to alter the structure of the table or recompile any existing stored procedures or application programs.

Suppose, for example, that Puerto Rico were to become a state; you could use the ALTER DOMAIN statement to add PR to the list of valid state abbreviations. The DBMS would then automatically allow the user to enter PR for the STATE field, since the updated STATE_CODE domain (stored in the system tables) would include PR as a valid state code the next time the DBMS referred to it in checking the value in the STATE field of a row to be added to the CUSTOMER table.

Understanding the SQL System Catalog

The system catalog is a collection of tables that the DBMS itself owns, creates, and maintains in order to manage the user-defined objects (tables, domains, constraints, schemas, other catalogs, security, and so on) in the database. As a collection, the tables in the system catalog are often referred to as the system tables because they contain data that describes the structure of the database and all of its objects and are used by the database management system in some way during the execution of every SQL statement.

When processing SQL statements, the DBMS constantly refers to the tables in the system catalog to:

  • Make sure that all tables or views referenced in a statement actually exist in the database

  • Make sure the columns referenced in the SQL statement exist in the tables listed in the target tables list portion of the statement (for example, the FROM section of a SELECT statement)

  • Resolve unqualified column names to one of the tables or views referenced in the statement

  • Determine the data type of each column

  • Check the system security tables to make sure that the user has the privilege necessary to carry out the action described in the SQL statement on the target table (or column)

  • Find and apply any primary key, foreign key, domain, and constraint definitions during INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations

By storing the database description as a set of system tables, SQL meets the requirement for a "Dynamic Online Catalog Based on the Relational Model," listed as Rule 4 of Codd's 12 rules that define a relational database (which you learned about in Tip 6, "Understanding Codd's 12-Rule Relational Database Definition").

Not only does an SQL database use the system tables in the system catalog to validate and then execute SQL statements issued by the user or application programs, but the DBMS also makes the data in the system catalog available either directly or through views.


The database administrator may limit access to the tables in the system catalog due to security concerns. After all, if you knew the primary key constraints, column name, and data domains for a particular table, you could determine the contents of the column(s) in the primary key-even if you did not have SELECT access to the table itself. Moreover, the structure of the database may itself be a trade secret if table and/or column names give information as the types of data a company in a particular market would find important enough to collect.

Since the DBMS maintains the data in the system tables so that it accurately describes the structure and contents of the database, user access to the system catalog is strictly read-only. Allowing a user to change the values in system tables would destroy the integrity of the system catalog. After all, if the DBMS is doing its job of maintaining the tables to accurately describe the database, any changes made to the catalog by the user would, by definition, change a correct value into an incorrect one.

The main advantage of user-accessible system tables is that they allow applications programmers to write general-purpose database tools that allow users to access SQL databases without having to know SQL. For example, by querying the system tables, an application program can determine the list of tables and views to which a user has access. The program could then allow the user to select the table(s) of interest and list the columns available for display in the selected table(s). Next the application program could allow the user to enter any "filtering" or search criteria. After the user has selected the table and columns and entered selection criteria, the application program could generate the SQL statements necessary to extract the data and format and display the query results to the user.

Without the system tables, the table and column names and the access rights would have to be hard-coded into the application programs, making general-purpose third-party applications impossible to write. Due to the demand for such third-party software solutions (owing perhaps to the scarcity of good SQL programmers), most major SQL database products are moving to support a common a set of system catalog views know collectively as the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

You will learn more about the INFORMATION_SCHEMA and system tables in Tips 472-493, which discuss the INFORMATION_SCHEMA and the system tables on which it is based, and Tip 494 "Understanding the MS-SQL Server System Database Tables," which reviews the MS-SQL Server system tables. For now, the important thing to know is that the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views will allow the same application program to access system table information in different database products even though the structure of the catalog and the tables it contains varies considerable from one brand of DBMS to another.

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