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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Using the MS-SQL Server ISQL to Execute SQL Statements from the Command Line or Statements Stored in an ASCII File

In Tip 38, "Using the MS-SQL Server Query Analyzer to Execute SQL Statements," you learned how to use the MS-SQL Query Analyzer GUI query tool. MS-SQL Server also includes two command-line query tools: ISQL.EXE and OSQL.EXE. You'll find both of these tools in MS-SQL Server's BINN subdirectory. (If you installed MS-SQL Server to the default C:\MSSQL7 folder, you will find ISQL and OSQL in the C:\MSSQL7\BINN sub-folder.)

Aside from the name, the only difference between ISQL and OSQL is that ISQL uses DB-LIB to connect to the database, whereas OSQL uses ODBC. Although we'll use ISQL to access that database in this tip, the important thing to know is that you can execute the same statements using OSQL. Thus, if you have only OSQL on your system, just use it in place of ISQL in the following example.

The command-line query tools are useful if you find yourself running a series of SQL statements. You can use ISQL (or OSQL) to execute the statements one after another by typing them into an ASCII that you pass to ISQL or OSQL for processing. The command-line tools also give you a quick, low overhead way to test your SQL queries.


You will need to install MS-SQL Server prior to using either of the two command-line query tools (ISQL or OSQL). Tip 527 gives you step-by-step instructions for installing MS-SQL Server, if you have not yet installed it on your computer system.

If you are using the computer on which you installed MS-SQL Server, you need type only I SQL or OSQL at the MS-DOS prompt to start the query tool because the installation program added the C:\MSSQL7\BINN folder in your path. If you are attaching to the MS-SQL Server across a network, have your system administrator give you access to the MSSQL7\BINN\OSQL.EXE on the server. (In order to use ISQL.EXE, you must install NTWDBLIB.DLL on your computer—OSQL.EXE does not require an additional DLL file.)

Before you can start using ISQL, you must get to an MS-DOS prompt. If you have an MS-DOS icon on your desktop, double-click on it. Otherwise, click your mouse on the Start button, select Programs, and then click your mouse on Command Prompt. Windows will start an MS-DOS session.

The format of the command to start ISQL is:


(If you want to see the list of all ISQL command line parameters, type ISQL-? and then press the Enter key.)

To use ISQL to attach to your MS-SQL Server, replace with the name of your MS-SQL Server, and replace and with your login name and password. For example, to attach to the MS-SQL Server NVBizNet2 using the login name sa, which has no password, type

ISQL -SNVBizNet2 -Usa -P

and then press the Enter key. ISQL will display its equivalent of the MS-DOS prompt, similar to that shown in Figure 39.1.

The ISQL response to the - ? parameter, followed by the ISQL Ready prompt (1>) after ISQL successfully attached to the NVBizNet2 SQL Server

Once you see the ISQL Ready prompt, perform the following steps to send SQL statements to the SQL server:

  1. Type an SQL statement at the Ready (1>) prompt. For the current example, type USE pubs (to tell the SQL Server you want to use the PUBS database), and then press the Enter key. ISQL will respond with the Ready prompt 2>, indicating that it is ready for you to enter the second line of commands.

  2. Type an SQL statement. For the current example, type SELECT * FROM authors WHERE zip = 94609 and then press the Enter key. ISQL will respond with the Ready prompt 3>, waiting for the third statement or command.

  3. If you have additional statements you want ISQL to send to the server as a group, repeat Step 2 until you finish entering.

  4. Type GO and the press the Enter key to tell ISQL to send your SQL statements to the SQL server.

After you complete Step 4, ISQL will send the SQL statements you entered prior to the GO command to the DBMS, display the results, and then indicate that it is ready for your next command by displaying another Ready prompt (1>).

The important thing to understand is that ISQL sends your SQL statements to the SQL Server only after you type GO at a ready prompt and press the Enter key.

To exit ISQL, type EXIT at a ready prompt and then press the Enter key. ISQL will terminate and your computer will return to the MS-DOS prompt.

To exit your MS-DOS session and return to the Windows desktop, type EXIT at the MS-DOS prompt and press the Enter key.


By typing USE pubs in Step 2, you told the DBMS that you wanted to use the PUBS database. Instead of having ISQL send the USE statement to the DBMS, you can select the database you want to use by adding -d when you start ISQL. In the current example, you would have entered:

ISQL -SNVBizNet2 -Usa -P -dpubs

To start ISQL, log in to the sa account on the NVBizNet2 SQL Server and select PUBS as the database to use in subsequent SQL statements.

As mentioned at the beginning of this tip, you can type SQL statements into an ASCII file and then have ISQL (or OSQL) execute them. To do so, add the -i parameter when typing the ISQL startup command. Suppose, for example, that you had the following statements in a file named INFILE39.SQL:

USE pubs
SELECT au_ID, au_lname, zip FROM authors WHERE zip = 94301

You could tell ISQL to send the two statements in INFILE39.SQL to the DBMS and display the results to the screen by starting ISQL with the command line:

ISQL -SNVBizNet2 -Usa -P -dpubs -iInFile39.sql -n

The -n tells ISQL not to display statement numbers. Without the -n, ISQL will display a statement number and the greater than (>) symbol for each of the three SQL statements. As a result, the headings won't line up with the column data. The -n tells ISQL not to display the statement line numbers. After you enter the command line, press the Enter key. ISQL will send each of the statements in the input file InFile39.sql to the DBMS and display output similar to:

 au_ID        au_lname      zip
----------- ------------ ----
427-17-2319 Dull 94301
846-92-7186 Hunter 94301

As a final permutation, to store the query results in a file instead of displaying them to the screen, add the -o parameter to the ISQL startup command. Suppose, for example, that you want to store the query results from executing the statements in the input INFILE39.SQL into the output file OUTFLE39. You would type

 ISQL -SNVBizNet2 -Usa -P -iInFile39.sql -n -oOutFle39

at the MS-DOS prompt and then press the Enter key to start ISQL.

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