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Monday, March 1, 2010

Creating MS-SQL Server Temporary Tables

MS-SQL Server lets you create two types of temporary tables: global and local. Local temporary tables are available only to the session in which they are created, and the DBMS automatically erases local temporary tables when the session ends. Global temporary tables are available to multiple database sessions. The DBMS drops a global temporary table after the last user using the table terminates his or her session.

Each login to the database starts a new session. As such, when you use Query Analyzer to attach to a database, you start a session. When you log off or terminate Query Analyzer, the DBMS ends your session. If you're logged in to the database, each time you execute a stored procedure or run an application program that logs in to the same or another database, the DBMS starts a new session. If you log in to the same database a second time, the DBMS keeps your original session open, but information in temporary tables created in the first session is not available to the second session.

Temporary tables are useful when you need to do several operations on the same set of data, such as creating summary reports on a subset of the data from multiple tables. By selecting and combining the raw data you need into a single table, you avoid having the DBMS extract and combine the data multiple times. In addition to eliminating multiple select operations, using a single temporary table increases execution speed because the MS-SQL Server can retrieve data faster from a single table than it can through references to multiple base tables.

To create a local temporary table, start the table name with a single pound (#) sign. As such, executing the statement

CREATE TABLE #customer_orders
(customer_number INTEGER,
customer_name VARCHAR (35),
order_date DATETIME,
amount MONEY)

will create a local temporary table. The #CUSTOMER_ORDERS table is accessible only to the person who created it. Moreover, the DBMS will automatically DROP the table when the user logs out.

If you want to create a global temporary table, start the table name with two pound (#) signs. Thus, if you want to create a temporary table that is accessible to multiple users (and sessions), use a double pound (#) sign with a CREATE TABLE statement similar to:

 CREATE TABLE ##customer_orders
(customer_number INTEGER,
customer_name VARCHAR (35),
order_date DATE_TIME,
amount MONEY)

The DBMS will not DROP the global temporary table until the last user that referenced the table during his or her session logs out.

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