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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Understanding SQL Numeric Integer Data Types

Columns of type INTEGER can hold whole numbers-numbers without a fractional part (nonzero digits to the right of the decimal point). The maximum number of digits, or precision, of an INTEGER column is implementation-dependant. As such, you cannot control the maximum positive and negative value you can assign to an INTEGER column (check your SQL manual for the precision of integers on your system).


An implementation is a DBMS product running on a specific hardware platform.

There are two standard SQL INTEGER types: INTEGER (also INT) and SMALLINT. The precision of INTEGER is twice that of SMALLINT. MS-SQL Server running on a Windows NT platform, for example, can store an INTEGER value in the range -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,486,647 (-[2**31] to 2**31). Each MS-SQL INTEGER consists of 4 bytes (32 bits)-31 bits for the magnitude (precision) and 1 bit for the sign. (Note that the term "precision" as used here is the number of digits in the number and not its accuracy.)

An MS-SQL Server SMALLINT, on the other hand, can hold numbers in the range -32,768 to 37,267 (-[2**15] to 2**15). Each MS-SQL Server SMALLINT consists of 2 bytes (16 bits)-15 for the magnitude (precision) and 1 bit for the sign.

The amount of storage space required to save an integer value to disk depends on its precision, not the actual number being stored. Thus, if you declare a column to be of type INTEGER, the system will take 8 bytes to store 1, 10,000, 1,000,000, or 2,000,000,000 in that column. Similarly, if you declare a column to be of type SMALLINT, the DBMS will take 4 bytes (instead of 8) to store a value, whether it is 2, 2,000, or 32,000.

Even in this day of large, inexpensive disks, it is best to conserve disk space by using the appropriate integer type (INTEGER or SMALLINT) based on the precision that you will need to store the values in a column. Thus, if you know that the value in a column will be no more than 32,767 and no less than -32,768, define the column as a SMALLINT, not an INTEGER. Both will hold whole numbers, but the SMALLINT data type will store those numbers using 4 bytes fewer than that used to store the same value in a column of type INTEGER.

Some SQL servers will even allow you to store a whole number value using as little as 1 byte. MS-SQL Server, for example, has the TINYINT data type. Columns of type TINYINT can hold positive whole numbers in the range 0 to 255. Thus, if you know that you will be using a column to store numbers no smaller than 0 and no larger than 255, define the column as TINYINT instead of INTEGER, and save 6 bytes per value stored.

The DBMS will automatically prevent the insertion of any rows where the value in a column is outside the acceptable range of values for that column's data type. Thus, if you create a table using:

CREATE TABLE  integer_table
(integer_max INT,
smallint_max SMALLINT,
tinyint_max TINYINT)

and then try to INSERT a row using:

VALUES (1,2,256)

the DBMS will reject the row and return an error message similar to:

Server: Msg 220, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error for type tinyint, value = 256.
The statement has been terminated.

You will learn all about the INSERT statement in Tip 67, "Using the INSERT Statement to Add Rows to a Table." For now the important thing to know is that the VALUES clause in the INSERT statement tells the DBMS to insert the listed values by position. In the current example, the DBMS tries to assign the value 1 to the INTEGER_MAX column, the value 2 to the SMALLINT_MAX column, and the value 256 to the TINYINT_MAX column. The DBMS is able to carry out the first two assignments, but the third (assigning 256 to TINYINT_MAX, of data type TINYINT) causes an error since the maximum value of a column of type TINYINT is 255.

To summarize, SQL numeric INTEGER types are as shown in the following table:

Table 21.1: Numeric Integer Data Types and Storage Requirements



Storage Space


-2,147,483,648 to +2,147,486,647

4 bytes (32 bits)


-32,768 to 32,767

2 bytes (16 bits)


0 to 255

1 byte (8 bits)

The precision and storage space are those for an MS-SQL Server running on a Windows NT server. Moreover, TINYINT is an MS-SQL Server-specific data type. You will need to check your system manuals to determine the precision, storage requirements, and other whole number types for your DBMS.


If you want to make your tables transportable, stick with the standard SQL INTEGER types: INTEGER (or INT) and SMALLINT. Otherwise, you may have to change your table definitions to create the same tables under different DBMS products if one supports a data type (such as TINYINT) and the other does not.

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