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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Classes and Interfaces of the I/O Streams

The following listing of classes are provided by the package shown in the table:
 Class  Description
 BufferedInputStream It used for creating an internal buffer array. It supports the mark and reset methods.
 BufferedOutputStream This class used for writes byte to output stream. It implements a buffered output stream.
 BufferedReader This class provides read text from character input stream and buffering characters. It also reads characters, arrays and lines.
 BufferedWriter This class provides write text from character output stream and buffering characters. It also writes characters, arrays and lines.
 ByteArrayInputStream It contains the internal buffer and read data from the stream.
 ByteArrayOutputStream This class used for data is written into byte array. This is implement in output stream class. 
 CharArrayReader It used for char input stream and implements a character buffer.
 CharArrayWriter This class also implements a character buffer and it uses an writer.
 DataInputStream This class reads the primitive data types from the input stream in a machine format.
 DataOutputStream This class writes the primitive data types from the output stream in machine format.
 File This class shows a file and directory pathnames.
 FileDescriptor This class uses for create a FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.
 FileInputStream It contains the input byte from a file and implements an input stream.
 FileOutputStream It uses for writing data to a file and also implements an output stream.
 FilePermission It provides the permission to access a file or directory.
 FileReader This class used for reading characters file.
 FileWriter This class used for writing characters files.
 FilterInputStream This class overrides all methods of InputStream and contains some other input stream.
 FilterOutputStream This class overrides all methods of OutputStream and contains some other output stream.
 FilterReader It reads the data from the filtered character stream.
 FilterWriter It writes data from the filtered character stream.
 InputStream This class represents an input stream of bytes.
 InputStreamReader It reads bytes and decodes them into characters.
 LineNumberReader This class has a line numbers
 ObjectInputStream This class used for recover the object to serialize previously. 
 ObjectInputStream.GetField This class access to president fields read form input stream.
 ObjectOutputStream This class used for write the primitive data types and also write the object to read by the ObjectInputStream.
 ObjectOutputStream.GetField This class access to president fields write in to ObjectOutput.
 ObjectStreamClass Serialization's descriptor for classes.
 ObjectStreamField This class describes the serializable field.
 OutputStream This class represents an output stream of bytes.
 OutputStreamWriter It writes bytes and decodes them into characters.
 PipedInputStream In this class the data bytes are written into piped output stream. This class also connected into a piped output stream.
 PipedOutputStream This class also communicates the piped input stream into piped output stream. It creates communication between both.
 PipedReader It is a piped character-input stream.
 PipedWriter It is a piped character-output stream.
 PrintStream This class adds the functionality of another output stream.
 PrintWriter This class adds the functionality of another input stream.
 PushbackInputStream It also include the another function of input stream. Such as: "push back" or "unread" one byte.
 PushbackReader This is a character stream reader and reads the data push back into the stream.
 RandomAccessFile It supports both reading and writing to a random access file.
 Reader It used for reading character stream.
 SequenceInputStream It represents the logical concatenation of other input stream.
 SerializablePermission This is a serializable permission class.
 StreamTokenizer It takes an input stream and parse it into "tokens" . The token to be allowed at the read time.
 StringReader This is a character string class. It has character read source.
 StringWriter This is also a character string class. It uses to shows the output in the buffer.
 Writer It uses for writing to character stream.
The following summary of Interfaces provided by the package shown in the table:
Interface  Description
 DataInput This interface can be used for reading byte stream and reconstructing the java primitive data types.
 DataOutput This interface can be used for writing the byte stream and converting data from the java primitive data types.
 Externalizable This is written in Serializable Stream. It save and store it's contents.
 FileFilter It can be used for Filtering the Pathnames.
 FilenameFilter This interface used for Filter the Filenames.
 ObjectInput This interface used for reading of objects and it extends the DataInput interface. 
 ObjectInputValidation This is a Callback interface. It allows the validation of objects within a graph.
 ObjectOutput This interface used for writing of objects and it extends the DataOutput interface.
     ObjectStreamConstants This interface used for Constants writing into Serialization Objects Stream.
 Serializable This interface implementing in the interface.
Exceptions Classes:
The following summary of the exception classes provided by the package shown in the table:
Exceptions   Description
CharConversionException It provides detail message in the catch block to associated with the CharConversionException
EOFException This exception indicates the end of file. When the file input stream to be end then EOFException to be occuted.
FileNotFoundException When the open file's pathname does not find then this exception to be occured.
InterruptedIOException When the I/O operations to interrupted from any causes then it becomes.
InvalidClassException Any problems to be created with class, when the Serializing runtime to be detected. 
InvalidObjectException When the de-serialized  objects failed then it occurs.
IOException When the I/O operations to be failed then it occurs.
NotActiveException The Serialization or deserialization operations are not active then it occurs.
NotSerializableException This exception when the instance is required to a Serializable interface.
ObjectStreamException This is a supper class of all exception class. It used for specific to Object Stream Classes.
OptionalDataException When the reading data operations to failed then it these exception occurs. It is belonging to the serialized object
StreamCorruptedException It thrown when the control information that was read form an object stream vioaltes internal consistency checks.
SyncFaieldException The sync operation is failed then SyncFaieldException to be occure.
UnsupportedEncodingException The Character Encoding is not supported.
UTFDataFormatException A molformed UTF-8 has been read in a data input stream, it implemented by data input interface.
WriteAbortedException In this exception to be thrown by the ObjectStreamException during a write operating.

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